by Lily Liu, NYWSE Incubator Participant
The Web is truly an amazing thing, which is no revelation, I know. But how often do we ask ourselves how this powerful tool can be utilized to create social change? If masses of people can organize online to create things like an encyclopedia (Wikipedia), successful networking sites (Facebook,MySpace), a mutual fund, media (YouTube), an operating system (Linux) and even a physical thing like a motorcycle, what can people do when it comes to interacting with their local leaders to create positive and collaborative community change? Go ahead—really think about the possibilities, and you’ll be amazed at how many things we can do by using available web resources.
I would have never predicted this trend, but it’s true. Millions of people have already collaborated towards creating goods and services that rival those of well financed enterprises, and it’s just a matter of time before that trickles down to government. This nexus of transformation and opportunity is what is all about. We are focused on connecting people with their local governments to increase civic participation, transparency and quality of life in communities across the nation.
We are currently participating in the NYWSE Incubator Program. Through the program, we found out about the Startup Nation Elevator Pitch Contest, which allows entrepreneurs across the country to submit an online video or audio pitch about their business venture. The top 5 applicants will have the opportunity to conduct a full presentation to a panel of venture capital investors. We took this opportunity to apply to the contest, and also see it as a great way to get our message out. So, please take a moment to check out of video and vote for us while you’re there—we can’t do this without you! There is no need to log in—just visit the website and submit your vote. And you can vote once per day, so if you really believe in our idea, vote often!
This contest is a great opportunity for us to begin fully developing the pilot program and implementing it in key cities across the nation, so that eventually we will be able to provide a refined product for every city across the nation! We want to show that we can do well, by doing good, and improve the quality of life in our local communities while making government responsive, efficient, and accountable to the people! We hope you will take the time to vote us and please also link this in your blog and/or forward it to your friends and family. The more people we get to vote, the better our chances are!
Thank you all for your support. And thank you for making PublicStuff truly a collaborative process. If you want to stay updated on our launch or want to know how you can help or get involved, click here to sign up for our contact list.
The PublicStuff vision is to create an online portal that allows people to connect directly with their local government in order to keep our elected leaders responsible and accountable to the needs in our local communities. Whether you want to file a noise complaint, or your local park needs renovating, or that street lamp or pothole has not been addressed in 5 years, PublicStuff is here to empower you to have a voice and make our leaders work for you 24 hours a day--- not just from 9-5 Monday through Friday.
Cities will be able to purchase the PublicStuff software package that will enable them to bring and manage all services online-- you will be able to submit and manage individual requests, receive status updates, hear what your neighbors are saying all at the same website no matter what city you live in---- and all without having to stand in a long line at your lunch hour. With dynamic maps, forums, and online video, PublicStuff will make it easy for you to let our leaders know what they need to address in our neighborhoods and cities.