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June 2010

June 23, 2010

Combining Unique Skills to Create Positive Social Innovations

by Danielle Ravich, NYWSE Chief Blogger

Being a social entrepreneur, and leader requires innovation and honing in on our individual talents to address complex challenges in our communities. New NYWSE member Deirdre Cerminaro has found her passion for influencing positive change through her unique combination of cognitive psychology and architecture. In her current work, she is able to bring a humanizing approach to people's interactions with physical spaces.

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June 01, 2010

Social Media for Social Change: Virtual Technology, Real Actions

by Danielle Ravich, NYWSE Chief Blogger

April 19, 2010 - Today's Social Media for Social Change event was a testament to how modern technology, and our virtual networks can create real changes in our society. 

Panelists included Cindy Gallop of IfWeRanTheWorld, Esra'a Al Shafei of Mideast Youth, and Jerri Chou of All Day Buffet. The event was moderated by Jalak Jobanputra of New York City Investment Fund.

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