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February 18, 2010

Creating Social Change through Media

by Lannia Small, NYWSE member & volunteer

On Thursday January 28, over 45 women and one man attended the NYWSE event “Change through Media” at Green Spaces New York. The event was moderated by Alicia Marin of ALAS and included panelists: Yvette Alberdingk Thijm of WITNESS, Karena Albers, Founder of KONTENTREAL, Katherine Fry of The LAMP, and Alexia Prichard, Founder and Executive Producer of Closed Loop Films.

All of these amazing women are change makers using media in unique ways to expose social issues and create dialogue. The night’s topics ranged from measuring the social impact of media organizations and the importance of allying with policy makers and educators, to the need to empower victims around the world to tell their own stories of social injustice. Participants were also able to brainstorm with the panelists about how to find the right target audience for their media project, as well as how to make the career transition to the social media field or create their own organizations.

In the course of the evening, thoughts also turned to the recent tragedy in Haiti, where Haitians texting on mobile phones the location of collapsed buildings and where food and supplies are needed, has become an absolutely crucial tool for the crisis management. This illustration of the profound power of media lead several panellists to predict that the mobile phone would become the social advocacy tool of the decade.

Finally, the evening ended with introspection about the larger impact social media tools will have on our society in the future. As panelist Dr Katherine Fry so eloquently stated, media, requiring new notions of privacy and transparency, is transforming the very environment we live in. The complex implications of using non-traditional media vs. traditional broadcasting can already being seen in the recent debates about whether or not to publicise the California’s Prop 8 hearings, when those present may still be able to tweet/text details.

All in all, this event was a great success and an ideal networking opportunity for all media enthusiasts. Most importantly, participants left with new ideas about how to create change in our global community through media.

Lannia Small recently completed a dual degree program in international business and public policy. She is currently pursing career opportunities in the areas of sustainability and social entrepreneurship.


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How can I attend this event, where do I register?

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