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December 15, 2009

Announcing the NYWSE Online Silent Auction!

Shop for the holidays and support NYWSE!

New York Women Social Entrepreneurs (NYWSE), a nonprofit with 700+ members, is proud to announce the launch of our first Online Silent Auction, hosted on eBay. All proceeds from the auction will benefit our innovative programs, which include: the NYWSE Book Club, the NYWSE Mastermind-Mentoring Initiative (MMI), the NYWSE Incubator, and the NYWSE Emerging Sustainability Leaders (ESL) Program.

We would like to thank all of our generous donors who contributed to NYWSE's first online auction! Special thanks to the In Good Company Workplaces community for their continued support of NYWSE and our programs and to NYWSE volunteers Rebecca Lee and Sharmila Gordon for all of their amazing help getting the auction off the ground!

Please help spread the word about our great online auction through Facebook and Twitter (#NYWSEauction)!

Happy bidding!

Thanks to all of our wonderful auction donors:


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