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September 2008

September 25, 2008

About Heather

Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success Coach, has over 11 years of teaching and coaching experience. Her coaching philosophy is that an individual cannot "do" business, but needs to BE business at a holistic level that integrates thoughts, feelings, words, and actions. She calls this "managing your energy." It's important that an entrepreneur do the inner and outer work necessary to activate this skill and belief in themselves. Only when she has activated this in herself, can an entrepreneur fully and confidently present herself and her business to others.

An active member of the NYWSE Community, Heather believes that the greatest success of womenpreneurs will come from women collaborating together rather than competing against each other--NYWSE is the ultimate forum to activate this energy and create riches for all womenpreneurs.

September 24, 2008

Celebrating Green with Lynn & Corey

We never decided to start this revolution. It just happened. It has evolved as naturally as our relationship and I think we appeal to people partly because of that.


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September 18, 2008

Announcing the NYWSE Pilot Incubator Program!

New York Women Social Entrepreneurs (NYWSE) announces its upcoming Incubator Program for women social entrepreneurs to begin in early 2009.

The purpose of the incubator is to enable budding women social entrepreneurs to bring to life their enterprise concepts, by providing mentoring from leading experts in the social entrepreneurship field, a peer network, and team support.

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September 11, 2008

What Goldilocks Can Teach You About ‘Gaining The Client Commitment’

by Heather Dominick, EnergyRICH® Entrepreneur Success Coach

I was privately coaching with one of my EnergyRICH® Boot Camp members a few weeks ago (we’ll call her Debra) and she was frustrated with how to incorporate the EnergyRICH® concept of packaging her services. She was blocked and could not see how this could be done in her business.

Now, packages are an EnergyRICH® tool that I just love because they activate the energy of choice for your potential clients and this is a good thing as folks tend to like really have a part in saying how they can best be served (I know I’d be pretty annoyed if everywhere I went there was only one option). So, I asked her to go over each of the packages she had created so far. When I heard just one piece of info it was clear to me what the issue was and how we could take care of this pretty easy-breezy.

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