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September 24, 2008

Celebrating Green with Lynn & Corey

We never decided to start this revolution. It just happened. It has evolved as naturally as our relationship and I think we appeal to people partly because of that.


When Corey came up with the idea for Green Halloween last year, we had no idea that we would be launching a revolution in our own lives as well as in the country. Ever since
Corey left her teens behind, we've gotten along. But we hadn't worked together. Yet, everything between us has gone so smoothly it was as if we'd always done it. Our personalities and strengths complement each other in a way that closes the gap in our ages. Our differing perspectives and depth of knowledge about eco-friendly behaviors (Corey is green from the tip of her toes to the top of her head and Lynn…about up to her knees), allows us to speak to all shades of green from those who are just curious to the serious environmentalist.

Our “revolution” has evolved organically, as has our relationship with one another. We didn’t plan on founding Green Halloween or writing Celebrate Green!, and we didn’t plan on working together. We were just open to the possibility. When the window opened, we flew through. We think our process may appeal to some people. We hope it inspires others to follow their passions. But we also hope that readers will see us as real women, struggling with important decisions, yet willing to try to do whatever we can to make a difference, together.


Copyright 2007 Holli Dunn

Lynn Colwell and Corey Colwell-Lipson are mother and daughter. Their new book, Celebrate Green! Creating Eco-Savvy Holidays, Celebrations and Traditions for the Whole Family is available at www.CelebrateGreen.net, as well as on Amazon.


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I love their ideas! I bought Celebrate Green and am looking forward to putting it to good use as I continue to incorporate green habits into my family's lifestyle and create some green traditions.

Deanna Davis

What I love about Celebrate Green is the "organic" unfolding of the idea (who can resist the green pun?). Lynn and Corey just started out with a simple idea--to think about one holiday in a way that makes a difference. What emerged was a guided tour of thoughtful choices to enjoy celebrations in a way that honors our earth's resources, our healthy bodies, and our meaningful connections with one another. I'm sold on the concept and a big fan of the book. And I'm ready for more!


I love this book. :) I'll borrow their picture ok? thanks!


This is an amazing resource to have on the coffee table. Every time I open the book, I find a great tip, recipe or resource.


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