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August 2008

August 25, 2008

What's Going On?!

by Adrian Miller

In this less than ideal economic climate, many salespeople are having a tough time earning business. You can be extremely diligent and think that you’re doing everything correctly and still be finding it difficult to make a sale. No doubt, it’s frustrating!

The unfortunate reality is that the power to say yes or no completely rests in the hands of your prospects. Your job is simply to present value and benefits, overcome hesitancies, and guide them to want your solution to improve their situation. So, what if you’re doing all of these important things, and your prospects are still not budging?

Before you simply blame your bad luck on the economy, you need to ask yourself the following:

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August 14, 2008

STRENGTH IN NUMBERS: How Community and Collaboration Can Enhance Your Business

by Adelaide Fives, Co-Founder of In Good Company Workplaces

Small and woman-owned. Few, if any, employees. Creating meaningful, flexible, and successful work. We know these women well. We are these women. Our clients are these women.

The good news is that we are in good company. Media and news sources continue to site the staggering rise in women business owners. A whopping 42% increase in the last 8 years, according to Center for Women’s Business Research!

Despite the sheer size of our community, however, we are always surprised to find out how isolating being a business owner can be. We have consistently found that while our clients interact heavily and frequently with their clients and industry colleagues, they have relatively small networks of other women business owners. On the whole, we are very disconnected from one another.

Why is this the case?

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August 03, 2008

Have You Ever Thought About How Much Money It Costs You to Fax a Document?

by Sarah Leah Gootnick, Founder of Secretary in Israel

As a business owner, you know that faxing documents is an integral part of running your business. Even with email being the de facto form of communication, you still need to fax agreements to your clients, to your employees, and to your vendors. But have you stopped and asked yourself, "How much money is it costing me to fax?"

Now I'm not talking about how much money it costs to send the fax through the phone line. We all know that cost is negligible. What I am referring to is -- how much of your time (and your time is worth money) is it costing you to send a fax?

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