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July 15, 2008

Corporate Responsibility: Employees Want The Change

The 2008 Corporate Sustainability Employee Study demonstrates that employees want the change. As a corporation is just an entity, it is up to the employees inside their firms to champion ways to increase positive impacts and to influence our peers to do the same. Some of today's 'intrapreneurs' are leading their companies in positive, new directions.

A new study recently conducted among employees at today's companies (large and small) shows that nine out of ten employees see brand reputation as the most important reason to address social and environmental impacts, yet 83% of companies have not fully incorporated their corporate responsibility performance into business metrics.

Around 54% of employees remain confused over how environmental and social impacts are addressed, or feel that they are kept in silos. Most employees want more education and resources on corporate sustainability as only one in ten feels completely prepared.

Employees ranked GE, HSBC, Intel, J&J, Marks & Spencer, Nike, Patagonia, Starbucks, Timberland, Unilever, and Wal-Mart as among the most socially responsible companies in a new study, recently completed by Fresh Marketing.

So while the newspapers scream about climate change and green issues every day, ads promote energy saving habits and brands go further to comply with greener standards, how can we, as employees, really get involved?

From developing informational videos and podcasts, to writing articles for company newsletters, to hosting seminars, some employees are working to educate their peers on sustainability.

The report includes interviews with several executives who volunteered stories about how small steps led to profound changes at their organizations, altering the working environment for the better, and strengthening the bottom line.

Read the study here: 2008 Corporate Sustainability Employee Study

If you want to be interviewed, participate in ongoing research on this topic, or feel as passionate about the topic as we do, please contact us at [email protected].


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